If you have a medical procedure done without the approval of your squad commander, you may be subject to disciplinary action. In addition, any complications that may arise from any unauthorized procedure will result in 100 percent out-of-pocket costs, since Tricare will not cover this treatment. If you have had any medical issues in the past, it is important to report them to your recruiter. They will tell you if your condition can be waived or if it is a permanent disqualification. The military has a test to ensure that troops are prepared for the rigors of combat.
It does not allow for surgical alteration of the body to pass the test, but liposuction is not prohibited. If you are considering enlisting in the military and have cosmetic issues such as stretched earlobes, tattoos, or need help with liposuction or Coolsculpting, you can consult a plastic surgeon.Active-duty personnel should not seek cosmetic surgeries outside the military health system without authorization from their primary care manager or specialized provider and approval from their chain of command. If you have already undergone cosmetic surgery, such as a breast reduction, in the past, you must provide your doctor's documents to the MEPS before you can go. I have all the paperwork, but will this disqualify me from entering the MEPS? In the United States Armed Forces, having earlobes that stretch cosmetically to the point where light can be easily seen through the piercing is typically an instant and permanent disqualification.